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The Night circus

on November 23, 2020

The Night Circus
I adored this book wow . From the start it swept me into its magical world and kept me longing for more. It is beautifully written and constructed and full of surprises that kept me glued to the page. I did not want to put book down The various characters were fascinating and pulled me in to their world, like being invited to a party wonderful beyond imagining. The questions it throws up about love and trust make it more than simply a pretty, imaginative bauble.I find my self hook in the mood of the book I could see it so clear in my mind the scene I was there with them . I recommend you all read the start it a bit slow but you need to get the characters in your mind let you imagination run with the story as you read
I say read it before the film it should it next year I read i can not wait to see this
Anyone else read it ?

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